"Hawaiian Fisherman" Wood Block Print by Charles W Bartlett, 1919

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

NEW CONTENT: Nodes of the Moon ... Legacy and Destiny... Astrology and Pono

Nana i ka mahina
Malama ka 'aina i ke kai
Look to the moon
Care for the land and sea

Kalo (taro) fields on O'ahu, 1890

IF YOU ARE JUST JOINING US, you may want to link here and start with the OPENING CEREMONY and work through the sessions from there.  Or, please jump in here, too.

'OLE PAU ... and now, i mua (forward) to Huna

I'm sitting at the keyboard, warmed by the Radiant heater in the Quonset, filled with a very ono (delicious) lunch of left-over rock cod and veggies.  Good and sustaining food has played a part in our life, changing as we change and as we move from ke'ia i kela (here to there) we have been raw vegan eaters, vegetarians, and mahimahi plate lunch aficionados.  One of the things that endeared me to Pete early in our courtship (such an old-fashion, but accurate word) was his love for Hawaiian food. This man LOVES dried fish and KALO (taro)! For all his Ukraine-Irish blood Island makes its way into his genes, and that is just fine with this wahine. 

Today is 'Ole Pau, the fourth of four 'Ole Moons, and though this post will appear tomorrow, on HUNA I review my process thus far, and prepare for the new period of activity.   Each 'Ole Cycle is different, and is experienced differently by each of us.  When Pete and I were afloat without tether or safe harbor, the 'Ole Moons, the nights of rest and reassurance comforted us and offered dream space for a future that was based both on the experiences we were having and the knowing that there was something more and better in the making.  Six months, six Malama and twelve 'Ole Cycles, laid a practice of attending to Mahina in a deep and first-hand fashion.  We did not learn from a book or the Internet those sources weren't to be had --I was unable to read print and a'ole (no) regular Internet was available. We did have the ocassional use of the wondeful public library in Kailua on O'ahu's windward side, and count as a blessing that place to be for an hour at a time. 

First-hand experience is the library of living that registers at all levels:  root(soul), na'au (guts), and po'o (mind).  Reflecting on the value of those first experiences with the 'Ole Moons has led to the creation of this workshop and this venture in a wa'a kaulua (canoe) criss-crossing cultures and time.  Coming out of an 'Ole Pau in the sign of Leo, I am made aware of the feelings that come from being 'recognized'.  Renee and Cj left comments about food and being recognized during the 'Ole Cycle just pau, and I have been fueled by their comments. Mahalo Renee and Cj for those contribution!  I am also reminded that my communication needs to be clear and even with my best intention there may be need for correction with Mercury the planet of communication backing up/in retrograde.  I am humbled and happy to be willing to keep learning.

Nodes of the Moon and Pono

Soul purpose and life direction questions are profoundly significant, and the Nodes in your chart address those questions from the perspective of your Soul---instead of your rational mind and ego. - Elizabeth Spring

Every season has its purpose, and its reasons.  I often talk with Pete about the Akashic Record Reading I had in 2008.  2008 was a time of unheaval and rebirth for us. We had been living in the car for months when the new year began, and knew by this time (April) of 2008 that we would need to leave the islands again, and perhaps this time it would be a long time before we'd return (if ever?) Arriving in Seattle that spring we knew very little for sure.  We did know somethings and we began to believe that was enough, for now.  We knew:

  • We had somewhere to rent
  • We knew we could survive in a very small space (a station wagon)
  • We knew something about what made me 'sick'
  • We knew someone would help us start again
Once we moved into the basement kitchen in Seattle, and were able to hook-up an Internet connection my research and communication skills (Scorpio-Mercury in the 10th House) set root.  Two connections served our lives and my soul at this point:  an astrology blog and a new to practice Japanese woman who was doing Akashic Record Readings.  Those two women spread my net of awareness to unexpected levels:  Elsa P continues to be a loyal and entertaining source of astrology, inspiration and community.  Through that connection I discovered other astrologers including Cj Wright who is here with us for this launching of Count On The Moon. Akemi Gaines offered an insight into my soul and past lives that makes such sense to me, more and more.  The Akashic Record reading provided me with this:  "I am a relatively  new soul to Earth, only here for the second time ..."  Now, you may or may not have a life view that includes reincarnation, mine does.  Yet, I was not ready for the implications and explanations that reading has for me.  Today the value of that one line hooks brings us to the exploration of the Nodes of the Moon and one's Soul Purpose.

Elizabeth Spring has made the study and exploration of the Nodes of the Moon a fascinating discover for me.  I began reading her work while we were parked between two large old homes in the mill town of Everett, Washington.  I knew there were things I needed to understand, and that line from my Akashic Record Reading played again and again.  Elizabeth Spring has published a book about the Moon's Nodes, and also maintains a web presence.  From the web she writes:

The North Node ... is a Soul Messenger, describing the evolutionary needs of your Soul. When we act out the qualities of this Node we heal and nurture ourselves. It tells us in what area of life we need to bring emphasis, and some of the ways to do it... the South Node reflects karmic qualities of our previous life, describing the unfinished business and things that we didn't 'get quite right.' Although there are gifts and talents shown there, it is the North Node that points to the qualities our Soul wants to use and acquire in this life.
Link to the entire article and Elizabeth Spring's website here.

Link here if you're not sure what the "Moon's Node" means.  I found this diagram a great help to my need to visualize:  http://www.astrologyclub.org/articles/nodes/nodes.htm


I am the daughter of Kanaka lei-makers and lei-sellers.  Beautiful lengths of flowers and la'au (greenery) strung as adornment are lei. My memories of Ma's graceful long fingers deft at stringing fragile pikake (jasmine) or double carnation leis serve as a kind of genetic pre-disposition to not only string words as adornment ... storytelling, the talent to weave seemingly disconnected bits of thoughts-knowledge is one of my favorite things to do. Weaving the information given me by one Akashic Record Reading with the growing understanding of stars, moon and planets I dig deep now as Pluto (or Pele) planet ruler of rebirth goes retrograde.  I get to look back or look deep for things I might have missed in years passed. In the digging to add to my new lei I have found this:

The South Node of the Moon asks "What have I inherited from the past?  Well, there are the lei genes.  And as I have created work for Count On The Moon I have also come to sit with our queen, Liliuokalani.  121 years ago, Honolulu was a place where kalo fields grew ma'uka i ke kai (mountain to sea).  The group photograph of Liliuokalani was taken in Waipio Valley also on the island of O'ahu in 1890.  Liliuokalani is surrounded with her most precious pua ... her lei ... her people.  Liliuokalani has left me with her legacy of pono and I weave it into my path.

During the 'Ole Moons just passed I sat with Liliuokalani re-reading a digital version of Queen Liliuokalani's autobiography. I speak with her to understand my Legacy and am rewarded with such aloha. Her words, and her story shed a light of renewal on my understanding of my legacy, an example:  Liliu was fully evolved, uncompromised and sure of her legacy.  I believe that example is the one that continues to serve her pua, her people including me.  In the shaping of our 'conversation' I find my way from that Hawaii past, to my soul's need grow beyond my past, to feel 'at home' in my North Node. The North Node asks 'WHERE AM I GOING? ...it is your liberation from the past...You are creating a new pathway that cannot be created overnight but deserves grounding, over time..."

What did you bring from your past/your inheritance or karmic burden?  Where are you going? 

Here are a few more questions to explore your South and North Nodes of the Moon in your astrology chart.  I reference Elizabeth Rose Campbell and her book INTUITIVE ASTROLOGY Follow Your Best Insticts to Become Who You Always Intended to Be

To define your South Node, answer the following questions:

Where do I feel most controlled by the pastor others' expectations of me?
What stories that are related to my past live around (my precious guarded) belongings?
What do others seem to value in me that I do well but that prevent me rom developing new skills?

To define your North Node, answer the following questions:

What do I yearn to do that I have never done before?
What activities have I naturally gravitated toward that are new and seem to call to me?
If I had no past to protect an could create my life freely, what would I do?  Where would I go?
New Horizon Launch


  1. This post has given me lots to think about. During the ‘Ole Moons I had many dreams, strangely they were stressful. And I looked to them for the messages they were trying to convey. One dream in particular (on ‘Ole Ku Kahi) was about an embarrassment that I couldn’t seem to let go. The embarrassment was from my lack of awareness in a situation from the past (all in my dream not in real life). The main issue was that I couldn’t get over it and I allowed myself to continue to feel “bad” about my actions. Reading this Legacy and Destiny section has brought a beautiful realization to light. The question of what have I inherited from the past made me dig back into my ‘Ole Ku Kahi dream. Last year my Hawaiian spiritual teacher told me about a past life I had on the island of Maui in the mid 1800’s. Learning about this unwritten history has been life affirming...I now understand the pull that I have to know a culture that is not my own. But as you mention Mokihana, there can be a karmic burden as well. And perhaps my dream is telling me it’s time to let that one go.
    The reason I am connecting this dream to my past life is because coincidentally, (or NOT), after the Hilo Moon and the beginning of this workshop, I received an email from my teacher. She told me that the ancestors had given her a message. To rid the injustice that happened in my past life I was to be given the name Mahinala’akea. Sacred moonlight. For this I am deeply honored. A true gift of “liberation from the past.”
    I am thankful for all the questions, thoughts, and seeds planted on this blog. Mokihana, thank you for sharing your personal stories in a very public space. You have given me the courage to do so as well.

  2. Mahalo Mahinala'akea,

    Pete and I have both read your comments, and over supper had the most delicious conversation spurred by your mana'o. Dreams are powerful messengers,how fortunate you are to have made space for them to give you insight.

    This kind of discourse,honest,fervant and deep is the stuf that appeared in Hawaiian Newspapers at the time Kaulana Mahina was being discussed. Kalei Tsuha refers to that in her video. It's what I hoped we could encourage with this workshop-study blog. What a gift to read your discoveries and see that indeed translation of wisdom crosses if the wa'a kaulua is sound.

    To move forward is the reason for incarnating. The Nodes of the Moon are one version of considering where we are headed. Dreams get you there too, as you say.

    You're so welcome, Heidi. How happy we are you are here with us.

    Mokihana and Pete


Your thoughts and questions are welcome ... jump in!