"Hawaiian Fisherman" Wood Block Print by Charles W Bartlett, 1919

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mele Helu PO (Hawaiian Moon Phase Names)

As we begin again journeying in the cyber wa'a (internet canoe) guided by the phases of the Hawaiian Moon, this YouTube is such a fun way to learn the thirty names.


Kamali’i ‘ike ‘ole I ka helu po
Little children who cannot count the nights
Muku Nei, muku, ka malama
Muku is here, Muku the dark moon
Hilo nei, kau ka Hoaka
Hilo, followed by Hoaka
‘Eha ku, ‘Eha ‘ole, eae
Four ku, four ‘ole
Huna, Mohalu, Hua, Akua
Huna, Mohalu, Hua, Akua
Hoku, Mahealani, eae
Hoku (“star”- full moon) Mahealani
Ekolu la’au, ekolu ‘ole, ekolu kaloa, eae
Three La’au, three ‘ole, three kaloa
Kane, lono, mauli eae
Kane, Lono, Mauli

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